A few days ago I noted that I’d be flying to San Francisco for a job interview sometime after returning from London; I was thinking that it would likely be sometime the week of May 8-12. Today I got an email asking if I could come out there on May 3, 4 or 5. Since we get back home from London the evening of the 2nd, the 3rd logistically and emotionally just didn’t seem possible. So I settled on Friday the 5th, and made my flight and hotel reservations this afternoon.
We’ll get home Tuesday night; Wednesday I’ll go back to work for a day; Thursday morning I’ll take a 6:00 a.m. flight to San Francisco, arriving around noon; and Friday I’ll interview from 9:00 until about 1:00 or so. Friday night Jeff will fly out to join me, and we’ll stay with his folks Friday and Saturday nights, and celebrate a combo late-Easter, [pre-, as Jeff reminds me]Mother’s Day with his mom, and his birthday (technically not until Monday); Sunday I’ll get on a 1:10 p.m. flight to DC, arriving home after midnight; and Monday morning I’ll be back at work again.
Whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it. But at the same time, I’m excited, and feel really good about it.
Our London trip is upon us! Up until about last weekend, the trip seemed so far away, but now it’s like, “Ohmygod, it’s here! Do we have everything?” In a few hours we take a short flight from Washington (National)…
Good luck!!!!!!
Good Luck!!!!