Tomorrow night into Friday morning there will be a total lunar eclipse, the first such visible in North America in more than three years. has the minute-by-minute details.
For those of us in EDT, we’ll be able to see the entire eclipse–assuming that the weather cooperates, which is unlikely here in the DC area with the chance of rain 90% tomorrow night–with the moon first entering the Earth’s penumbra at 9:05 pm; the eclipse reaching totality between 11:14 pm and 12:07 am (Friday); and the eclipse ending at 2:15 am. The western half of the U.S. will only see the eclipse already in progress at moon rise. [Global Map showing what percentage of eclipse will be visible by location]
[looks out window] Yeah, I’m thinking these clouds aren’t going anywhere soon…
Lucky I came across your entry about the site just a few minutes before it’s supposed to start. 🙂
sigh. Yes, here in the DC area it was only partly cloudy throughout the day, with some beautiful sunshine, but by dusk the clouds had covered the sky, and the rain was falling.
I’m so jealous of those of you who got to see the eclipse tonight.