Last Thursday I wasn’t feeling all that well, which was unfortunate given 1) there were meetings scheduled from 11 to 12:30 and NERT training from 1:30 to 4:30, and 2) Jeff and I had agreed to go to karaoke at The Mint (warning: sound) with Julie
I made it through the day, though, and even to dinner (sushi) and karaoke. I didn’t sing, but I did have a really fun time (with the exception of discovering that my camera wasn’t working; it turns out that my 6Gb microdisk has failed), and both Julie and Michael were fantastic. I told Julie I’d sing something next time.
Friday morning arrived strange and unsettling. Around 6:30 the phone rang once, enough to wake us, but then fell silent. Only a few minutes later, the new smoke detector we’d just installed the previous weekend beeped three times and then stopped; the manual notes a number of scenarios in which it might beep once or multiple times, but nothing for a set of three beeps followed by silence. (I tested it afterwards, though, and once more since, and the alarm still works, so I’m hoping it’s okay. ) Then, when I left for work a little later, the backdoor into our garage was standing open. It looks like it just didn’t latch properly the previous night, and it only leads into the garage rather than directly into the house (there’s another locked door from the garage into the house), but still, unsettling.
I’m so glad you came to karaoke! Thanks for the kudos on my singing. 🙂
And per your following entry: I dare you to wear those tight leather pants to the office. 😉