Tomorrow we’ll heading up to Baltimore for at least part of the day. My friend Sheldon is judging at the (Magic: The Gathering) US Nationals there this weekend, and Jeff and I are driving up to see the live-action “Game of the Year” and then have dinner with Sheldon and his wife Gretchyn afterwards.
We’re planning to visit the intriguing American Visionary Art Museum, which has long been on my list of Baltimore to-dos, and the four of us are planning to have dinner in the museum’s Joy American cafe later that night. We might also visit the Baltimore Museum of Art or The Walters Art Museum. We went to an Orioles game and to the National Aquarium around this time last year, when my mom and nephew were visiting. Are there other things in Baltimore we should try not to miss on tomorrow’s day trip? While I definitely plan to go to the Visionary Art Museum, the other museums potentially could be set aside for a later visit, or foregone entirely, if there were something really cool we should see or do.