Yesterday evening, Jeff and I met up with two other DC Flickrites–Tampen and Finiky–to welcome striatic and emily ann as they breezed through DC on their way to Virginia Beach and beyond, during the striatic does america tour.
It was a fun hour or so, walking around Union Station and the Capitol, chatting and taking photographs of the area and one another. I just wish they’d been able to stick around longer, and that more of the DC Flickr community had been available to come out at that time of day.
My other photos of the meetup will be up on Flickr, of course, as I get them uploaded.
Out and about
Just to catch up on a few outings last week: on Monday evening, striatic and emily ann came through D.C. on the “striatic does America” tour, and a few of us Flickr folk met up with them at Union Station…