Friday morning dawned (ok, we didn’t actually see the dawn) clear and almost unseasonably warm. After breakfast, Jeff took a phone call, leaving me alone to be grilled by be interviewed by chat with his parents. Mostly, they wanted to hear about my life on the East Coast, my work, my education, and my family, but with some emotional undercurrents, especially when they talked about Jeff’s own East Coast stay, with the implication that they felt he’d been there quite long enough.
Friday was Jeff’s family day, time that he set aside from the ongoing reunion events to spend with them. His father, mother and aunt, along with the two of us, headed into San Francisco that day, where we drove past his high school, and took some photos at Point Lobos and many more at the Conservatory in Golden Gate Park in what turned out to be an absolutely beautiful, clear, warm day of sightseeing. We then briefly parted ways with his family, who went for a bite to eat while we quickly visited SF MOMA, which was featuring a temporary exhibit on Glamour: Fashion, Industrial Design, Architecture that I’d read about in dwell on the plane to SF, and that we both wanted to see. I love SF MOMA, and just wish we’d had a little more time there; unfortunately, we ran up against their closing time, and were hurried out.
Afterwards we returned to Jeff’s parents’ home, where by 8:30 I’d gone to lie down, having come down with a pretty severe headache, but thinking I’d be up again shortly and ready for an evening of seeing Jeff’s friends or hitting a club downtown. Around 10:00, though, Jeff came back to the bedroom, where I was still resting, and he agreed he’d rather go ahead and come to bed (our bodies still on Eastern time) rather than go out for the evening.
–And day two, too, was over.–
My man on campus
Partly because I don’t want my bleak entries on Kerry’s concession and the Metro crash to sit at the top of the homepage for too long, I’ll cheer myself up by posting one of my favorite photos from Thom’s and…