As [the other] Jeff points out, he (as well as others) had been holding off on upgrading Movable Type to version 2.661 because of the new feature in comment pages that hides the URL of the commenter within a redirect. This had the effect of making it no longer possible to see the home URL for a given commenter merely by rolling over the name; so, when several people with the same name (like, say, Jeff and Jeff, or Thom and Thom) commented, it was no longer easy to see which one had left a given comment since the redirect URL always was the same. For that reason, I too had delayed in upgrading Movable Type. But when I moved my sites to a new hosting provider earlier this month, I no longer had a choice since the old version wasn’t available for download.
Fortunately, a plugin solution–Optional Redirect by David Raynes–exists. Now those pesky redirects are a thing of the past. Thanks for the pointer, Jeff.
Isn’t it great? Matt actually told me there was such a plugin, so I went out and found it.
Ah, I love plugins.