Neither Jeff nor I have said anything explictly online about this until now (he isn’t typically as personal in his own journal as I tend to be here), but you can probably read between the lines. He and I had begun discussing the prospect of moving in together some time ago and, although we’ve taken no formal steps, on a practical basis we’re pretty much already doing so, little by little.
For example, I’ve cleared out drawers for him in the bathroom (he’s taken Kyan to heart and has lots of product) and the bedroom, and bought extra coat hangers (of course, in that way we have, he brought over a bunch from his apartment the same day); this weekend we may tackle cleaning out the spare closet where I have a lot of junk stored so he will have someplace specifically to hang some of his clothes. His laptop is now a node on my home wireless network. He helps with the dishes, the dusting and feeding Alex, especially when I’m away visiting my family, among other chores around the condo.
But most telling, perhaps, he’s just added two of his own Season Subscriptions to the TiVo.
Glad to hear you guys are going to start “shack’n” up.
Ooooh… the all-telling TiVo Season Pass. That’s a big step, man. Big step. You ready for that level of commitment?
I forgot to ask how that was going last night, though I meant to.
And you can never have too much product. Ever.
His own Season Pass? Hmm… now that’s serious.
Hee. Yup, can’t do without my scrubs… both the facial product and the NBC sitcom.
How do you tell when you’re serious about a guy? When you let him add season passes to your TiVo….
Come and knock on our door
Thom’s right. I’m less personal here in my journal than he sometimes is in his. I can think of only a couple of entries in which I’ve written about our relationship specifically. But that’s just me. He wondered if I…
That’s so awesome! Congrats!