For those of you in or near the DC metro area, the DC Lambda Squares glbt square dance club is having the second of their three summer open houses tonight, an opportunity to explore lesbian and gay square dancing before new classes begin this fall.
The open house is from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church, 4th and I Street, SW, a block from the Waterside Mall/SEU Metro station on the Green line.
From the information about the open house:
Men, women, singles, and couples are welcome. You don’t need a partner, and you don’t need any previous dance experience. We’ll teach you everything you need to know.
Admission is free, and we’ll provide refreshments in a smoke-free, alcohol-free environment. Dress is casual. You don’t need to wear crinolines, unless you really want to. We recommend comfortable clothes.
If you’re interested, but can’t make tonight, the third and final open house of the summer will be at the same place and time on August 22. The next beginners’ class starts soon thereafter, on September 9, and continues weekly until spring.
Every time you mention square dancing I sort of get the heebie jeebies. In junior high and high school I was forced to have a unit in square dancing every single year. Yeah, I can do-si-do, but it gives me hives to think of it! *grin*
Believe me, this is not your junior high squaredance; we’ve all been there and don’t want to go back.
But I bet you never squaredanced naked back then, for example, or with a gaggle of drag queens on roller blades, or with a group of hot men in a swimming pool right after the “best buns” competition.