small world

Have been exchanging emails since yesterday with the blogster responsible for Synaptic Discharge, a fellow Arlingtonian who came across my journal in the listing of GLBT Weblogs and Journals at

After the first email, I realized that he and I had met a couple of times about ten years ago, back when I was living with my friends Sheldon and Lisa and very heavily involved in RPGing. Terry and his friend Jim had come over to our house for a couple of gaming sessions, and then I also ran into him at GenCon, at a GLBT gamers’ group meeting.

There’s so much of this small world stuff that happens with the net. In There, which I’ll have to write more about, since its one of my current obsessions, I’ve run into not only people I know and game with in TSO, but one person I knew about five years ago on Pulse, a Palace site.

This has at least brought my journal back to mind, after almost a year’s hiatus. We’ll see if I’ll exercise any more discipline this time around. I’m not holding my breath.