Well, here it is… my very first entry in my very first blog/journal. It will be interesting to see if I can create and sustain a habit of regular updates, or if I’ll revert to my more customary manner of bursts of activity interspersed with long periods of hibernation. This latter behavior is how I’ve tended to manage my personal web site over the years, and my email relationships with friends and family, as well as how I approach many hobbies and games. It may even characterize many of my offline relationships and romances.
I think I’m in one of those creative spurts now, though I don’t know how long it will last. In the past couple of weeks I’d just done a complete redesign of my web site, painted the two bathrooms in my condo and tackled some other home-improvement and repair projects, and installed this great software in order to begin blogging. In fact, I’m so enamored with MovableType already, that I think I may do the entire web site over again as a blog (it’s already chunked pretty much as individual entries anyway, so it seems like it might work nicely as an MT blog).