just-ly married

In my previous column I noted I was about to get married. I hope you’ll forgive my ongoing self-indulgence as I write about my nuptials once more. One’s own wedding, after all, doesn’t happen every day. Admittedly, given California’s rollercoaster history regarding marriage equality, some of us have been married multiple times to the same […]

i’m not just a marriage equality volunteer, i’m also a client

One week from today, I expect my life paradoxically to stay pretty much exactly the same, yet at the same time to change utterly, in ways I’m not sure I truly understand or even can fully imagine. I expect my life to change, though, because people whose opinions in such matters I trust, people who […]

putting prop 8 behind us: wedding bells for wedding beaus

An edited version of this piece appeared in the August 22, 2013 edition of the SF Bay Times. As though wedding planning weren’t stressful enough on its own, California couples making or reviving plans to marry this summer and beyond have been faced with the additional anxiety of wondering whether the issuance of marriage licenses […]

taking pride in marriage equality: San Francisco, June 2013

An edited version of this piece appeared in the July 11, 2013 edition of the SF Bay Times. Best San Francisco Pride ever? There’s certainly a good case to be made that the answer enthusiastically is “Yes!” At a minimum, I think I can state without exaggeration that Pride in 2013, due to the momentous […]

building El Dorado: a decade of love fuels my drive to achieve marriage equality

An edited version of this piece appeared in the June 13, 2013 edition of the SF Bay Times. Next week is our anniversary. That is, one of our anniversaries. I’ve joked that one of the rare upsides to the lack of marriage equality is that unlike our opposite-sex counterparts, for whom the wedding anniversary is […]

thirty speedbumps on the road to marriage equality

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about marriage equality, and he noted how surprisingly quickly things were moving right now — three states last fall and three more this spring, with Illinois still a possibility over the next week — and wondered if I thought that meant we might see the freedom to […]

the path to marriage equality: what a difference a year – and a president – makes

At its best, the Court could read the same tea leaves and affirm once and for all that the U.S. constitution protects the freedom to marry for all Americans, right now, and regardless of where they live, just as it did in 1967 for interracial couples. But even at its worst, while the Court could slow the pace of freedom a little, it can neither stop nor reverse it. That horse already has left the barn. And it’s pulling a white wedding carriage all the way down to City Hall.

coming out for good: winning marriage equality in Rhode Island and beyond

It turns out that being open, honest and out of the closet – telling our stories, in our own words, to the people already in our lives – are among the very best tools we have to ensure our equality. Now that’s a “lifestyle” worth promoting.

“not getting married today”

On Sunday, Jeff and I took our tuxedos out of the closet and out of their dry cleaning bags, to let them air out. You see, we had planned to marry each other tonight. But our marriage won’t take place today. We had planned to marry each other last Thursday. But our marriage didn’t take […]

an engaging story

I’ve been remiss in updating the blog this year; rather than full-form old-style blog posts, most of my writing these days takes the form of microblogging via Twitter and/or Facebook. However, Jeff and I both have been publishing occasional posts on a new shared site, “happy together,” accessible at both thomandjeff.com and jeffandthom.com, so you’re […]